"The clouds methought wld open & show riches / Ready 2 drop upon me that, when I waked, I cried 2 dream again." - quot'd in King's Speech.
Brideshead Revisited Anthony Andrews cameo in King's Speech as PM (Nevil Chamerlain?)
Edward's abdication speech he relinquishes his title of King and Emperor. "Emperor?" Ah yes, Emperor of India.
I never seen the mircophone framed and regarded by it's characters such a menacing object d'art #horrorshow#Kings_Speech
Bertie and the Doctor have a throwdown in Westminster. Cut-it off fellas. Put Edward back on that thron!
Anthony Andrews was not Chamberlain, he was PM Ball (?)#kings_speech
Anthony Andrews was not Chamberlain, he was PM Ball (?)#kings_speech
The war-speech delivered to Bertie and he is wearing his miliatary ribbons on his jacket. #really?really? #kings_speech
All the commoners spaces .... I LOVE the beautiful wall-paper #whenNoticingMiseEnScene,mghtbeBored #kings_speech
#kings_speech deserves the Academy Awards for proper-good cussing per second/frame. #bugger #shit #fart
More meancing lights, mircophones ... Poor Emperors#kings_speech
Bertie should make Geoffry Rush the Vicroy of Austrailia!#kings_speech
#kings_speech soundtrack Britney Spears' Me against the Music
Jamaica just got a visual shout-out! Brrrrrap! Brrap! #kings_speech
Edward and Wallace look so prettay! #kings_speech
We need a new module Speak.Speak.Speak #kings_speech
Lot of Beethovan to fill it out to the end #kings_speech
People were snoring through this screening #kings_speech#justsayin'
No corgis were harmed too much in the making of this film.#kings_speech
Commented to me: 3 6 mafia wuld say #kings_speech song should be "it's hard out here being a King"