A space for observations, comments from a passionate analyst of images, noises, sighs and whispers. Join me and let's see what this becomes ....

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Toronto International Film Festival, 2010

One of my favourite memories from last year's Toronto International Film Festival. I spoke to Director and screenwriter Lee Chang-Dong, showed him my notes that I made seeing his film Poetry. And he gave me this autograph and surprised me with a kiss on the cheek. What a charming man. He is one of the great masters in global cinema.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Toronto City council on verge of austerity measures: how will this impact the strength of Arts and Culture in our city?

The arts and culture sectors are critically distinctive assests to Toronto and its economy, expressed in the world renowned events such as the Toronto International Film Festival, the Toronto Fringe Festival and Luminato Festival, for example. We must not ignore the impact that this sector has on enhancing our competitive advantage on the world stage. The arts and culture sectors are one of the most significant economic catalysts for any city. We as citizens who wish to live in a vibrant and dynamic city must push the various levels of government and leadership to prioritize it for the benefit of all our communities in Toronto.

There is an opportunity now to hold this new municipal Ford-administration to account for any erosion to funding support for cultural institutions, councils, and other stakeholde
rs. The city and it's leadership need to recognize the cost that the city will suffer if they compromise this imperative. For instance, having the city at the table as funding partners for cultural projects is critical for attracting private enterprise to contribute crucial complimentary sponsorship dollars, scenarios testifiers spoke to at the Core Service Review that occurred at the end of July.

The organizing committee of Friends of the Arts, a collective of art advocates in Toronto, has initiated an online petition for those who would like their voice to be heard in regards to arts funding in our city, there are opportunities to do so. Find out more around the risks facing arts in Toronto and how you can take action. Visit www.ipetitions.com/petition/friendsofthearts today and add your name.