A space for observations, comments from a passionate analyst of images, noises, sighs and whispers. Join me and let's see what this becomes ....

Saturday, September 11, 2010

And “...So it begins.” - J. R. R. Tolkien

I have always had an on again and off again 'something'-affair with writing. As Montréal writer Saleema Nawaz tweeted the other day:

Something about writing -- the assertion things are this way rather than that -- makes me uncomfortable. But assert we must. Why else write?

This points to a conflicted space of what is really authoritative in the greater scheme of things. You know? Don't get me wrong, expression has always been important to me - the more intense, original and memorable something is I have always had a natural curiosity to seek it out whether it be found in film, theatre, conversation, ritual, dreaming, or sitting by the water contemplating ... But writing and building something around the  complete endeavour of self expression, which is on some level is a mixture of selectively cultivating, and (if you are honest) wholly and entirely laying out one's unconscious vulnerabilities, I have just never really embraced as a consistent practice. 

So now, all of this is calling to me and won't let me go. So writing it will be outside of the 9-5 and away from the miscellaneous and copious amounts of note taking and note-losing ... it's time to form it and place it on the virtual page. Stick with me, and let's see what takes shape.

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